Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2024
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Feasibility of Cryobiopsy From the Bile Duct - CRYLEO



März 2024

Letztes Update:


Indikation (Clinical Trials):
Bile Duct Neoplasms


Erwachsene (18+)


Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH



(3 von 5)

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Brief Summary:

This is a multi-center, prospective, feasibility study using a 1.1 mm flexible cryoprobe SU

via percutaneous access in the bile duct. The device has a CE-approval. First feasibility and

safety for application assessed in the bile duct performed ex vivo and in a patient case

report study. The study will take place at 5 different sites in Germany. Recruitment is

competitive. In total, 15 patients will be enrolled. Patients are screened for study

inclusion at the participating hospitals.

Primary objective:

• Feasibility of percutaneous cryobiopsy in the bile duct

Secondary objectives:

- Size of biopsy (mean area (in mm2) of each biopsy technique)

- Percentage of successful retrievals of biopsies by each biopsy technique

- Representativeness of each biopsy sample

- Quality of each biopsy sample

- Grade of crash artifacts occurrence defined as crush artifact area per biopsy

- Rate of safety-relevant aspects, like for example bleeding, post-bleeding, perforation,

infection and abscess


Inclusion Criteria:

- Suspicion of any neoplastic alterations in the bile duct system or other indication

for biopsy sampling in the bile duct

- A percutaneous drainage or an access by means of percutaneous transhepatic

cholangiodrainage (PTCD) has been previously established independent from study

participation, without adverse events

- Patient is at least 18 years of age

- According to physicians' assessment, patient is able to follow study protocol or is

able to understand the nature, objectives, benefits, implications, risks and

inconveniences of the clinical investigation, able to comply with study requirements

and understand and independently sign the Informed Consent Form

Exclusion Criteria:

- • Presence of hereditary bleeding disorder, e.g. hemophilia A or hemophilia B

- Severe impairment of partial thromboplastin time (PTT) of >80s; International

normalized ratio (INR) >3; platelet count <50,000 /nl

- Dual antiplatelet therapy (change to aspirin monotherapy is no exclusion


- Current use of systemic anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapy without the

ability to hold therapy for the recommended amount of time prior to an invasive

procedure (aspirin monotherapy is no exclusion criterion) Patient is

participating in another clinical study pregnant or breast-feeding or intending

to get pregnant during the study


Primary outcome:

1. The primary endpoint of this study is feasibility of percutaneous cryobiopsy in the bile duct, i.e., successful retrieval of at least one cryobiopsy specimen per patient. (Time Frame - 30 days):
Feasibility of percutaneous cryobiopsy in the bile duct, i.e., successful retrieval of at least one cryobiopsy specimen per patient

Secondary outcome:

1. Size of biopsy (mean area (in mm2) of each biopsy technique) (Time Frame - 30 days):
Quality of biopsies

2. Percentage of successful retrievals of biopsies by each biopsy technique (Time Frame - 30 days):
Quality of biopsies

3. Representativeness of each biopsy sample (Time Frame - 30 days):
yes: evaluable bile duct epithelia in sufficient quantity and quality to make a diagnosis or no: absent or not sufficiently evaluable bile duct epithelia (e.g. crush artefacts, dissolved tissue association

4. Quality of each biopsy sample (Time Frame - 30 days):
Biopsy quality using a Likert-Scale for each biopsy technique

5. Grade of crash artifacts occurrence defined as crush artifact area per biopsy (Time Frame - 30 days):
Quality of biopsies

6. Rate of safety-relevant aspects, like for example bleeding, post-bleeding, perforation, infection and abscess (Time Frame - 30 days):
Quality of biopsies


  • Experimental: Forceps biopsy against Cryoprobe biopsy
    A total of 6 forceps biopsies and 3 cryobiopsies will be taken for each patient, corresponding to a 2:1 ratio. The biopsies are divided into blocks of two (6 forceps, 3 cryo). The biopsy technique blocks are randomized, resulting in a sequence of 6 forceps biopsies followed by 3 cryobiopsies
  • Active Comparator: Cryoprobe biopsy against Forceps biopsy
    A total of 6 forceps biopsies and 3 cryobiopsies will be taken for each patient, corresponding to a 2:1 ratio. The biopsies are divided into blocks of two (6 forceps, 3 cryo). The biopsy technique blocks are randomized, resulting in a sequence of 3 cryobiopsies followed by 6 forceps biopsies.

Geprüfte Regime

  • 1.1mm flexible Cryoprobe SU (Comparator: SpyBite Max Forceps):
    Six tissue samples retrieved by standard biopsy forceps and three samples by cryobiopsy (randomized sequence)


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