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Patient-derived Organoids Drug Screen in Pancreatic Cancer



September 2022

Letztes Update:


Indikation (Clinical Trials):
Neoplasms, Adenocarcinoma, Pancreatic Neoplasms


Erwachsene (18+)


Prof. Dr. med. Dres. h.c. Jan Schmidt, MME



Daniel Helbling, Dr. Med.
Study Chair
Onkozentrum Zürich
Marianna Kruithof-De Julio, Prof. Dr. phil.
Study Chair
University of Bern


Jan Schmidt, Prof. Dr. med. Dres. h.c. MME
Phone: + 41 44 209 25 05
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Hirslanden Kliniks
8002 Zürich
SwitzerlandRekrutierend» Google-Maps
Jan Schmidt, Prof. Dr. med. Dres. h.c. MME
Phone: + 41 44 209 25 05
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Brief Summary:

Few chemotherapeutic options exist for pancreatic cancer. Moreover, objective criteria are

lacking for deciding which regimen is more beneficial for patient presenting with metastases

at diagnosis.

This study investigates whether organoid generation from tumour samples of pancreatic cancer

is a safe and feasible process for testing of multiple chemotherapy regimens in the


By participating to this study, patients will have a part of the tumour tissue retrieved and

sent to the laboratory for organoid generation and drug testing. For surgically-resectable

tumors, tumoral tissue samples will be collected from the main surgical specimens, before

sending it for final pathological examination. In case of suspected metastatic lesion at

diagnosis, curative surgery is not indicated. Therefore, we will offer patients to undergo

port-a-cath implantation for chemotherapy delivery and concomitant laparoscopic surgical

excisional biopsy of suspicious metastatic (either hepatic or peritoneal) lesions.

At this stage of the study, the treatment that the patient will receive after surgery will

not be affected by the results of the laboratory testing. In fact, all patients will receive

the standard of care treatment based on the most recent oncologic guidelines and on the

oncologist's clinical judgement. As part of the study, each patient will be followed for 30

days to assess possible surgical complications related to the surgical biopsy.

This study will help to speed up the implementation of organoid generation in the clinical

routine for the choice of the best treatment of patients affected by pancreatic cancer.


Inclusion criteria:

- Written informed consent provided

- Patients older than 18 years

- Histologically- or cytologically-proven pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC)

- Tumour lesion amenable for laparoscopic, surgical biopsy

- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance status (PS) 0-2

- Radiologically measurable disease

- Life expectancy > 3 months

- Absolute neutrophile count >1500/microL, platelets >100'000/microL

- Serum creatinine <1.5 times of the upper limit of normal or Clearance >50ml/min

(according to the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) formula)

Exclusion criteria:

- Concomitant need for full anticoagulation that cannot be interrupted or bridged prior

to tissue biopsy

- ECOG PS >2

- Heart failure (NYHA class III-IV)

- Severe or uncontrolled concurrent illness

- Myocardial infarction within the previous 6 months


Primary outcome:

1. Feasibility of the process (Time Frame - 30 days after the last patient enrollment.):
To determine the proportion of patients (specifically, the percentage with respect to the total sample enrolled in the study) for which organoids can be successfully generated and in which an effective treatment can be identified by drug screens in these patient-derived organoids. Successful generation of organoids will be defined as the presence of individual three-dimensional structures within 10 days from the begin of generation process. Effective treatment is considered a treatment decreasing of 50% (or more) the viability of patient-derived organoids.

Secondary outcome:

1. Safety of surgical biopsy and post-operative surgical complications. (Time Frame - 30 days post-operatively):
To evaluate safety of surgical biopsy for patient-derived organoids generation in patients with pancreatic cancer. Safety will be evaluated in terms of absolute and relative (%) number of postoperative complications. Severity will be graded according the Clavien-Dindo classification for surgical complications: complications equal to or greater than grade 3B will be considered as "severe". Management of each complication will be recorded for descriptive purposes.

2. Contamination rates (Time Frame - 30 days after the last patient enrollment.):
To assess the rate of contaminated samples by endogenous bacterial and fungal flora and to highlight possible implications in patient-derived organoid testing response.

3. Chemosensitivity testing (Time Frame - 6 days after the last organoid generation):
To assess in vitro efficacy of different chemotherapeutic regimens (and their combinations). In vitro efficacy will be evaluated based on the drug's (or drug combination's) capacity to decrease organoid viability of more than 50% after 6 days from their administration. Drugs (or their combination) tested in vitro will include Oxaliplatin, Carboplatin, Cisplatin, SN-38 (Irinotecan), Leucovorin, 5-FU, Gemcitabine, Olaparib, Nab-Paclitaxel, Nanoliposomal irinotecan (Nal-IRI), Niraparib.

Geprüfte Regime

  • Surgical biopsy of tumoral tissue for organoid generation:
    In surgically-resectable lesions, tumoral samples will be collected from the main surgical specimens, before sending it for final pathological examination. Patients with metastatic disease, will be offered to undergo port-a-cath implantation for chemotherapy delivery and concomitant laparoscopic surgical excisional biopsy of suspicious metastatic lesions. Intraoperative frozen section will confirm the presence of malignant cells in the sample. Part of the specimen will be sent for assessment of contamination by bacterial and/or fungal flora by the Microbiology Laboratory. The remaining tumour sample will be sent for patient-derived organoid (PDO) formation. Two patients' blood samples will be retrieved in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) tubes and will be sent with the surgical specimen. All patients will then receive the standard of care (SOC) treatment according to the clinical judgement of the oncologist in charge, always within the framework of the international guidelines.


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