Sonntag, 5. Mai 2024
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A Clinical Investigation to Evaluate Microwave Imaging Via MammoWave® in a Population-based Screening Program for Early Breast Cancer Detection



März 2024

Letztes Update:


Indikation (Clinical Trials):
Breast Neoplasms


Erwachsene (18+)


Umbria Bioengineering Technologies

Toscana Life Sciences Sviluppo s.r.l., London South Bank University, ELAROS 24/7 Limited (UK), Servicio De Salud De Castilla La Mancha (Spain), IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, EVITA - Cancro Hereditário (Portugal),


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Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Zurich
SwitzerlandNoch nicht rekrutierend» Google-Maps
Thomas Frauenfelder
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Detailed Description:

MammoWave is a non-CE marked device that uses low-power (1mW) microwaves (1-9 GHz) instead of

ionizing radiation (X-ray) for BC screening. MammoWave uses safe low-power radio frequency

signals in the microwave band; it is a Class IIa medical device (non-invasive device). The

previous generation of MammoWave had obtained the CE mark; in this investigation, the device

contains the same hardware and will be used with the same acquisition method as the CE marked

device, but additional data processing software will be used.

The 10,000 volunteers undergoing conventional breast screening examination will also undergo

the MammoWave exam. The MammoWave results (WSF: breast With Suspicious Finding,i.e. with

suspicious lesion, or NSF: No Suspicious Finding, i.e. breast without lesion or with low

suspicious lesion) will be checked against the Reference Standard, to be intended as the

output of conventional breast examination path (i.e., screening mammogram, integrated with

other radiological/histological output when deemed necessary by the responsible Investigator

in each site). Reference Standard may be BC+ for the histology-confirmed breast cancer

(BI-RADS 6); BC- otherwise (BI-RADS 1, 2, 3).

(NOTE: BIRADS 4 and 5 are only image suspicion criteria: when a biopsy is performed, BIRADS

are transformed in 6 (BC+) or 1,2 and 3 (BC-))

This clinical trial is performed within MammoScreen project [1] awarded in the context of

HORIZON-MISS-2021-CANCER-02-01. UBT Srl is a partner of a Consortium which comprises (in

addition to UBT): Toscana Life Sciences Foundation (Italy); London South Bank University

(UK); ELAROS 24/7 Limited (UK); Servicio De Salud De Castilla La Mancha (Spain); Scuola IMT

Alti Studi Lucca (Italy); EVITA - Cancro Hereditário (Portugal).


Inclusion Criteria:

- Women aged between 45 and 74 years

- Asymptomatic

- Signed informed consent form before starting any study activity

- Average risk of BC (every woman except those with know BRCA1, 2, TP53, and/or previous


- Mammographic test, either 2D FFDM or 3D Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) (collecting

oblique mediolateral projection [MLO] of the right breast, craniocaudal projection

[CC] of the right breast, MLO projection of the left breast, CC projection of the left

breast), performed within the past month with available results or planned to be

performed in the same day of the MammoWave test or in the subsequent days

- Spontaneous willingness to comply with CIP and recommendations

Exclusion Criteria:

- Woman with breast prostheses

- Women with symptoms or some sign of suspected BC

- Women with BRCA1, 2, TP53 or previous BC

- Pregnant women

- Women who do not have mammographic manifestation of the tumor (known occult breast

tumor with only axillar manifestation)

- Women with breast size larger than the largest MammoWave cup size


Primary outcome:

1. MammoWave® sensitivity (Time Frame - During the procedure):
MammoWave® sensitivity (percentage of 'true positive' results) while using an optimized classification algorithm. The Reference Standard is intended as the output of conventional breast examination path (i.e. screening mammogram, integrated with other radiological/histological output when deemed necessary by the responsible Investigator). Reference Standard may be: BC+ for the histology-confirmed and classified as BI-RADS 1,2 or 3.

2. MammoWave® specificity (Time Frame - During the procedure):
MammoWave® specificity (percentage of 'true negative' results) while using an optimized algorithm.

Secondary outcome:

1. Detection rates by type of lesion (Time Frame - During the baseline):
Evaluation of the detection rates (sensitivity) according to the type of radiological finding (microcalcification, mass, asymmetry or architectural distortion group), also by breast density (according to BI-RADS ACR classification assigned by the radiologist), and comparison with the other standard screening and diagnostic modalities.

2. Recall rate (Time Frame - During the baseline):
Evaluation of MammoWave recalls, also by breast density (according to BI-RADS ACR classification assigned by the radiologist), and comparison with the other standard screening and diagnostic modalities.

3. Positive-predictive value (Time Frame - During the baseline):
Evaluation of MammoWave positive predictive value (for the biopsies performed), also by breast density (according to BI-RADS ACR classification assigned by the radiologist), and comparison with the other standard screening and diagnostic modalities.

4. Program screening rate (Time Frame - During the baseline):
Program screening rate, calculated as the proportion of women diagnosed with BC in the study population

5. BC detection rates of each by histological type and size of the BC and BI-RADS classification, also by breast density (Time Frame - During the baseline):
BC detection rates of each by histological type and size of the BC and BI-RADS classification, also by breast density

6. MammoWave® sensitivity and specificity after retrospective AI adjustment using the data at the end of the study (Time Frame - During the baseline):
Evaluation of the improvement in both sensitivity and specificity when retrospectively using AI algorithms for the evaluation of MammoWave® data after its further optimization with all data collected in the participants included in the study.

7. Agreement between different evaluator (i.e. local versus central) (Time Frame - During the baseline):
Evaluation of the reproducibility of results comparing the lectures performed at the study centers and the centralized lectures

8. Volunteers' satisfaction questionnaire (Time Frame - During the baseline):
Volunteers' satisfaction through a properly designed questionnaire collecting women's issues and plus during the exam with MammoWave® in the language spoken by the women

Geprüfte Regime

  • MammoWave:
    Women undergoing conventional breast screening examination will be asked by the clinical staff if they are interested in taking part in the study. A short visit should be performed to check the inclusion/exclusion criteria, review demographic data, and the volunteer's medical history. After performing this visit, the volunteers will perform the MammoWave exam on both their breasts. The exam will be composed of two phases: data acquisition and data processing. During the acquisition, which should take about 8 minutes, the volunteers would be lying down in a prone position, on the bed which is part of MammoWave. When the acquisition is completed, the data will be processed through a dedicated microwave imaging algorithm. The output will be composed of microwave images, plus parameters describing the images. MammoWave output will also comprise a label obtained using an optimized classification algorithm.


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"A Clinical Investigation to Evaluate Microwave Imaging Via MammoWave® in a Population-based Screening Program for Early Breast Cancer Detection"

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