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A Study of Neoadjuvant Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Large Brain Metastases



März 2018

Letztes Update:


Indikation (Clinical Trials):
Neoplasm Metastasis, Brain Neoplasms


Erwachsene (18+)


University Health Network, Toronto



David Shultz, MD
Principal Investigator
University Health Network, Toronto


(2 von 2)

Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Virchow Klinikum
13353 Berlin
GermanyRekrutierend» Google-Maps
Güliz Acker, PD Dr. med
Phone: +49 30 450 660357
Phone (ext.): 491702291071

Sylvia Blass
Phone: +49 30 450 527318
» Ansprechpartner anzeigen


Detailed Description:

Recently, a novel treatment strategy for large brain metastases was described whereby lesions

appropriate for resection were treated with a single fraction of SRS pre-operatively. In a

retrospective analysis, of 51 lesions with a median tumor size of 3 cm, 1-year LC was 86%.

This neoadjuvant approach resulted in lower rates of leptomeningeal failure (3 vs. 17%) and

symptomatic radiation toxicity (1.5 vs. 14.6 %) compared to a comparative cohort of lesions

treated with post-operative cavity boost SRS (POCBS).

Based on promising results, we believe that a prospective trial to establish the value of

neoadjuvant SRS (NaSRS) for the treatment of BM appropriate for resection is warranted.

This study will be a non-randomized phase II trial for patients with one to six brain

metastases, at least one of which is appropriate for surgical resection. Upon registration,

patients will be assigned to receive neo-adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery (NASRS).


Inclusion Criteria:

- Lymphoma, small cell carcinoma, and seminoma are excluded

- A lesion appropriate for resection, not previously treated with SRS. Lesions should be

> 2 cm and < 4 cm in largest dimension, and require resection ( e.g. due to mass

effect or to obtain a tissue diagnosis). Index lesions will be treated with SRS and

surgery, as outlined in the treatment section of the protocol.

- Seen by a neurosurgeon or radiation oncologist and judged to be appropriate for

participation in this study, including the ability to tolerate NaSRS, e.g., the

ability to lie flat in a stereotactic head frame.

- Any unresected lesions or lesions for which there is no planned immediate resection

(non index lesions) must measure < 3.0 cm in maximal extent on the contrasted MRI or

CT brain scan obtained ≤ 35 days prior to pre-registration. Unresected lesions will be

treated with SRS as outlined in the treatment section of the protocol. .

- ECOG ≤ 2

- MRI confirmed 1-6 lesions, one of which is the index lesion. Each non-index lesion (up

to 5) must measure ≤ 3.0 cm in maximal extent on contrasted MRI scan, and not

otherwise require resection.

Note: The pre-registration MRI may be obtained ≤ 35 days prior to enrolment.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Treatment plan respecting normal tissue tolerances using dose fractionation specified

within the protocol cannot be achieved.

- pregnancy

- Prior cranial radiotherapy targeting the index lesion, or any prior WBRT.

- Inability to complete a MRI with contrast of the head, or a known allergy to


- Cytotoxic Chemotherapy within 7 days prior to SRS (molecularly targeted therapies ,

including immune-modulatory drugs, can be given within seven days of SRS at the

discretion of the treating physician)

- Metastatic germ cell tumor, small cell carcinoma, or lymphoma or any primary brain


- Imaging Findings:

- Widespread definitive leptomeningeal metastasis.

- A brain metastasis that is located ≤ 2 mm of the optic chiasm

- Evidence of midline shift

- Fourth ventricular narrowing, concerning for hydrocephalus


Primary outcome:

1. Radiation toxicity (Time Frame - 1 year):
The rate at 1 year of symptomatic (≥grade 2) radiation toxicity

Secondary outcome:

1. local control (Time Frame - 1 year):
1-year local control (PR+CR) of the index lesion resulting from NaSRS

2. leptomeningeal disease (Time Frame - 1 year):
1-year rates of leptomeningeal disease

3. Survival (Time Frame - 5 years):
Median survival

4. progression-free survival (Time Frame - 2 years)

5. overall survival (Time Frame - 2 years)

Geprüfte Regime

  • Stereotactic Radiosurgery:
    Stereotactic Radiosurgery before surgical resection of brain mets.


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