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One Million Cancer Treatment Months



August 2022

Letztes Update:



Erwachsene (18+)


Cankado GmbH



Timo Schinköthe, PhD
Study Director
Cankado GmbH


(3 von 4)

Onkologische Praxis Moers
47441 Moers
GermanyRekrutierend» Google-Maps
Ev. Krankenhaus Bethesda Praxis für gynäkologische Onkologie
41061 Mönchengladbach
GermanyNoch nicht rekrutierend» Google-Maps
Schwerpunktpraxis für Hämatologie und Onkologie
59494 Soest
GermanyRekrutierend» Google-Maps
Hämatologisch-Onkologische Schwerpunktpraxis - Novum medicum
97080 Würzburg
GermanyRekrutierend» Google-Maps
Alle anzeigen


Detailed Description:

The next generation of PRO-React by CANKADO is designed to predict impending incident threats

at an earlier stage than previously feasible and -- by more timely intervention -- help

physicians to eliminate or mitigate the severity of an unfavourable event, reduce the

required intensity of countermeasures, or otherwise reduce patient risks.

A highly reliable identification of situations classified as "low-risk" by CANKADO could also

enable a more focused utilization of resources as well as enhanced patient comfort and

decreased stress, e.g., due to less frequent monitoring visits or reduced need for invasive


The OMCAT Register aims to provide learning databases in cancer comprising both PRO data

using PRO-React and "ground truth" (outcome data verified by the physician during patient

examinations). Intelligent learning and knowledge engineering procedures will utilize this

PRO data to provide high-quality event prediction algorithms. The ground-truth data enables

so-called "supervised learning" techniques of artificial intelligence, because predicted

events can be verified with a high level of certainty from ground-truth data.

The PRO data of a patient provide what is known in engineering, physics, and statistics as

"time series" of observations. The unique feature of PRO time series for applications in

cancer is the very high "sampling frequency" (e.g., daily or better) compared to

examinations, which generally occur at fixed, and much less frequent intervals. Prediction

algorithms based on PRO data would thus be ideally suited to reduce the delay in detecting

events, for example, by triggering physician appointments or indicating the need for more

intensive medical diagnostics.


Inclusion Criteria:

- Signed informed consent

- Age ≥ 18 years

- Diagnosed with cancer

- Prescribed CANKADO PRO-React Onco

Exclusion Criteria:

- Lack of consent to study participation or lack of patient's ability to consent

- Enrolled in this trial within a further treatment


Primary outcome:

1. Health Status (Time Frame - 6 months):
Using the EuroQol-visual analogue scale, abbreviated as EQ-VAS Scale, containing values between 100 (best imaginable health) and 0 (worst imaginable health), (answered by patients)

2. Complaints/Symptoms (Time Frame - 6 months):
Assessed using a question set aligned with the PRO-CTCAE and CTCAE (answered by patients)

3. Presence or Absence of SAEs (Time Frame - 6 months):
yes/no (answered by physician)

4. Presence or Absence of dosis reductions (Time Frame - 6 months):
yes/no (answered by physician)

5. Presence or Absence of treatment interruptions (Time Frame - 6 months):
yes/no (answered by physician)

6. Presence or Absence of disease progression (Time Frame - 6 months):
yes/no (answered by physician)

7. Presence or Absence of disease regression (Time Frame - 6 months):
yes/no (answered by physician)

8. Presence or Absence of death (Time Frame - 6 months):
yes/no (answered by physician)

Secondary outcome:

1. Cancer type (Time Frame - 6 months):
according to ICD classification

2. Patient Typology (Time Frame - 6 months):
According to Bloem et al (PMID: 32771005)

3. Timepoints of patient documentation (Time Frame - 6 months):
The timepoints at which a patient uses the CANKADO System to document patient-reported outcomes are retrieved from the system including date and time

4. Frequency of patient documentation (Time Frame - 6 months):
The frequency at which a patient uses the CANKADO System to document patient-reported outcomes are calculated using the timepoints of patient documentation

Geprüfte Regime

  • CANKADO PRO-React Onco:
    CANKADO PRO-React Onco is approved as class I medical device within the European Union (registration number DE /CA59 /371/2020-R/Hd) and is compliant with the FDA classification for Mobile Medical Devices (2015) Appendix B. The purpose of CANKADO PRO-React Onco is to be an automated digital support for patients to help them decide how urgent it is to contact the attending physician based on the symptoms they independently record in the system. It supports patients with cancer under systemic, anti-tumor or anti-hormonal therapy in adjuvant, neoadjuvant, post-neoadjuvant or palliative situations. It is unsuitable for patients undergoing radiotherapy, cell and gene therapy, surgical procedures or alternative healing methods.


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