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SonoClear Acoustic Coupling Fluid (ACF) Mimicking Brain Tissue



September 2021

Letztes Update:


Indikation (Clinical Trials):
Glioblastoma, Glioma, Brain Neoplasms


Erwachsene (18+)


SonoClear AS



(3 von 4)

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Detailed Description:

Ultrasound images will be obtained at different timepoints during the operation. First

timepoint being after craniotomy (no fluids involved). Second timepoint being when some

tumour is left in the bottom of the deeper part of the resection cavity (approximately 80% of

tumour removed), and third timepoint being when the surgeon deems resection of the tumour to

be completed. At the second and third timepoint ultrasound acquisition will be performed

twice at each timepoint. Once with routinely used saline / Ringer's solution and once with

SonoClear ACF.

There are two performance related primary endpoints, based on core lab assessments:

1. To show that ultrasound images obtained with SonoClear ACF are less influenced by image

artefacts compared to images obtained with standard of care saline or Ringer´s solution,

by measuring the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). The CNR is a measure of the relative

noise in the image. To achieve this endpoint, the use of SonoClear ACF must lead to

superior image quality in comparison with Saline/Ringer´s solution. Superior image

quality is defined as the CNR being statistically different between the images obtained

with saline/Ringer and SonoClear ACF respectively, i.e., significantly less noise in the

images obtained with SonoClear ACF.

2. To show that ultrasound images obtained with SonoClear ACF are of better quality

compared to images obtained with standard of care Saline/Ringer's solution, by using a

qualitative assessment, called the Surgeons Image Rating (SIR) scale. A Panel of Experts

will assess the quality of the obtained images by answering 3 questions for each image.

The SIR a 1-10 numeric rating scale, is used to measure the quality of the image

according to three questions to be answered at the three different timepoints during the


This SIR is designed to explore whether SonoClear ACF, having shown to provide better

quantitative image quality in the CNR analysis, allows surgeons to detect this improved image

quality. Eventually this improved image quality should result in better decision-making

during surgery about margins of excision and residual tumour resection.

Primary Safety Endpoint

The primary safety hypothesis is to prove the primary safety event rate is less than 10%. The

primary safety event is defined as any core lab determined major MRI finding when

post-operative MRI is compared to pre-operative MRI that was found by the DMC to be serious

and probably or definitely related to the study device OR any DMC determined serious adverse

event that is probably or definitely related to the study device that occurs within 30 days

of the procedure. Success is demonstrated by observing 0 of these events out of 37 subjects

exposed to SonoClear ACF. This is equivalent to a two-sided p-value less 0.05 for the

alternative hypothesis that the primary safety event rate in subjects undergoing tumor

resection using ACF is less than 10%.


Inclusion Criteria:

- A diffuse malignant glial tumour (high (grade III and IV) or low grade (grade I-II) is

suspected from the diagnostic MRI scan

- A tumour that extends at least 3 cm in depth from the surface of the brain (confirmed

by MRI)

- Pre- or peri-procedural confirmed histopathology of glioma

- ≥18 years of age

- Karnofsky performance status ≥ 70

- Life expectancy of more than 30 days at the time of the procedure

- Negative pregnancy test for female subjects of childbearing potential

Exclusion Criteria:

- Not able to give consent (e.g. severe cognitive impairment)

- History of brain radiation therapy

- Recent meningitis (within 6 months prior to screening visit)

- Other active infection (within 30 days prior to screening visit)

- Immuno-incompetent patient (e.g. failing immune system due to AIDS)

- Patients taking immune-suppressive medication

- Intended biopsy only (meaning: cases not suitable for resection)

- Known hypersensitivity to egg protein

- Known hypersensitivity to soybean or peanut protein

- Known Hypersensitivity to glycerol

- Known Hypersensitivity to polysorbates

- Pregnant or lactating females or females who intend to become pregnant during the time

of the study


Primary outcome:

1. Contrast-to-Noise Ratio (CNR) to quantify the reduction in noise (Time Frame - During ultrasound guided brain tumour resection):
To show that ultrasound images obtained when using SonoClear ACF are less influenced by image artefacts compared to images obtained when using routinely used saline solution measuring the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) in the images.

2. Surgeons Image Rating (SIR) to assess the image quality (Time Frame - During ultrasound guided brain tumour resection):
Quality assessment of the images is done by the core-lab in a blinded manner using the Surgeon Image Rating (SIR) scale, a 1-10 rating scale to score the quality of the image according to 3 questions at different time points during the operation. First timepoint being after craniotomy (no fluids involved). The second time point is when some tumour is left in the bottom of the deeper part of the resection cavity (approximately 80% of tumour removed), and the third time point being when the surgeon deems resection of the tumour to be completed.

3. Adverse events up to 30 days post procedure (Time Frame - safety data are collected up to 30 days post procedure):
The primary safety hypothesis is to prove the primary safety event rate is less than 10%. A primary safety event is defined as any core lab determined major MRI finding when post-operative MRI is compared to pre-operative MRI that was found by the DMC to be serious and probably or definitely related to the study device OR any DMC determined serious adverse event that is probably or definitely related to the study device that occurs within 30 days of the procedure. Success is demonstrated by observing 0 of these events out of 37 subjects exposed to SonoClear ACF. This is equivalent to a two-sided p-value less 0.05 for the alternative hypothesis that the primary safety event rate in subjects undergoing tumor resection using ACF is less than 10%.

Geprüfte Regime

  • SonoClear ACF:
    The SonoClear ACF is intended to be used as an acoustic coupling fluid during ultrasound imaging in brain surgery of human beings

Quelle: ClinicalTrials.gov

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