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Registry to Collect Data on Patients Undergoing Segmental Mandibular Defect Reconstruction Following Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Resection



September 2022

Letztes Update:


Indikation (Clinical Trials):
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell, Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck


Erwachsene (18+)


AO Innovation Translation Center



Rüdiger Zimmerer, PD, MD
Principal Investigator
University of Leipzig


(3 von 13)

Viszeralonkologisches Zentrum Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
Hoppe-Seyler-Straße 3
72076 Tübingen
DeutschlandNoch nicht rekrutierend» Google-Maps
Andreas Naros, MD
Phone: +49 7071 2986174
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Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
69120 Heidelberg
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Christian Freudlsperger, Prof
Phone: +49 6221 56 34444
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Gynäkologisches Krebszentrum am Klinikum der LMU München
Marchioninistraße 15
81377 München
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Wenko Smolka, PD, MD
Phone: +49 440054458
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Erasmus University Medical Centre
3015 GD Rotterdam
NetherlandsNoch nicht rekrutierend» Google-Maps
Eppo Wolvius, Prof
Phone: +31 6 22 48 77 81
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Detailed Description:

Prospective data will be collected in a minimum of 300 patients presenting with an acquired

segmental mandibular defect ≥ 4 cm secondary to OSSC removal and who require mandibular


The follow up (FU) will consist of standard of care (routine) procedures and data collection

will be done at 3, 6, 12, 18 and up to 24 months after resection and/or reconstruction. The

maximum FU for each patient within the registry will be 2 years after mandibular resection.

Data collection will include confounding baseline data, tumor characteristics, neurological

function, patient reported outcomes, quality of life as well as anticipated procedure-related

adverse events (AEs). Available images will be collected and evaluated centrally to determine

the location, positioning, osseointegration, bone quantity and quality of the transplants.

Depending on the volume and quality of the collected data, different statistical analyses

will be performed. Exploratory analyses will be conducted to find relationships between the

different treatment modalities and their outcomes.


Inclusion Criteria:

- Age 18 years and older

- Initial pathologically confirmed diagnosis of primary oral squamous cell carcinoma

located in mucosa and/or mandible

- Undergoing primary curative treatment with segmental resection of the mandible ≥4 cm

- Intention to undergo mandibular reconstruction with autologous bone using a primary

(one stage) or secondary (two stage) approach

- Informed consent obtained, ie:

- Ability to understand the content of the patient information/ICF

- Willingness and ability to participate in the clinical investigation according to

the registry plan (RP)

- Signed and dated IRB/EC approved informed consent (ICF) OR

- Written consent provided according to the IRB/EC defined and approved procedures

for patients who are not able to provide to provide independent written informed


Exclusion Criteria:

- Tumors affecting the condyle

- Distant OSCC metastasis

- Any other active concomitant malignancy within the last 5 years

- Patients who require neoadjuvant therapy

- Patients under palliative care

- Previous extensive mandibular surgeries (including reconstructions)

Intraoperative exclusion criteria:

- Nonsegmental mandibular defect (eg. box resection/partial resection)

- Segmental mandibular defect of less than 4 cm

- Mandibular defects extending beyond the sigmoid notch into the condyles

Additional exclusion criterion:

• No osseous reconstruction with autologous bone performed within 18 months from resection


Primary outcome:

1. Demographics (Time Frame - Baseline until resection surgery approximately 4 weeks):
Demographics (year of birth, height in cm and weight in kilogram, race)

2. Comorbidities (Time Frame - Baseline until resection surgery approximately 4 weeks):
Comorbidities assessed by Charlson Comorbidity Index (this score assesses the comorbidity level by considering both the number and severity of predefined comorbidity conditions. It provides a weighted score of a patient's comorbidities which can be used to predict mortality rates

3. Nicotine consumption (Time Frame - Baseline until resection surgery approximately 4 weeks):
Current and previous nicotine use will be collected: Number of years Time (years) since stopped using (if applicable) Amount of cigarettes/day

4. Patient reported outcome: Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) (Time Frame - Baseline/ 3months/ 6 months/ 12 months/ 18 months/ 24 months):
Change in the OHIP over the follow-up period. The Oral Health Impact Profile is providing a comprehensive measure of self-reported dysfunction, discomfort and disability attributed to oral conditions. The OHIP is concerned with impairment and three functional status dimensions (social, psychological, and physical). Respondents are asked to indicate on a five-point Likert scale how frequently they experienced each problem. Response categories for the five-point scale are: "Very often", "Fairly often", "Occasionally", "Hardly ever" and "Never". The OHIP consists of 14 questions in which higher scores indicate worse outcomes.

5. Difference of tumor locations of the oral squamous cell cancer (Time Frame - Baseline until resection surgery ( approximately 4 weeks)):
Oral squamous cell carcinoma locations acoording to follwoing regions: Anterior compartment which includes lower lip, buccal mucosa, anterior vestibule, anterior ridge and anterior floor mouth Lateral compartment which includes posterior vestibule, posterior alveolar ridge, posterior (lateral) floor of mouth Retromolar compartment which includes alveolar ridge posterior to last molar, region of wisdom teeth, retromolar triangle ie buccal cheek, soft palate (arch), tonsillar regions Tongue which includes ventral tongue (undersurface of tongue), lateral rim of tongue, base of tongue

6. Difference of tumor staging according to the TNM system (Time Frame - Baseline until resection surgery ( approximately 4 weeks)):
Oral squamous cell carcinoma staging according to TNM (Tumor, Node, Metastasis) system. In the TNM system the "T" refers to the size and extent of the main tumor likert from T0 to T4 whereas T0 is the smallest and T4 the biggest size. The main tumor is usually called the primary tumor. The "N" refers to the number of nearby lymph nodes that have cancer likert for N0 to N3 whereas N0 is the single nearby lymphnode and N3 multiple lymphnodes. The "M" refers to whether the cancer has metastasized likert from M0 to M1 whereas M0 is no distant metastasis and M1 is distant metastasis.

7. Difference of surgical duration and hospital stay if resection and reconstruction was performed in one or two stages (Time Frame - Day of resection surgery until day of reconstruction surgery up to 18 months):
Duration of surgery (skin to skin) in minutes Length of hospital stay in days Date of osseous reconstruction (if different from resection surgery) in days

8. Difference of surgical procedures of osseous reconstruction (Time Frame - Day of resection surgery until day of reconstruction surgery up to 18 months):
Numers of Bone and soft tissue flaps to reconstruct the mandible: ie number of pieces in which the donor bone(s) is cut to shape the reconstructed mandible Type of bone donor/ bone transfer site(s): Vascularized bone flap(s) or composite flaps (ie bone and adjacent soft tissue harvested within the same flap) and type(s)

9. Different surgical parameters of tumor and segmental mandibular resection if VSP planning was used (Time Frame - Day of resection surgery until day of reconstruction surgery up to 18 months):
Use of virtual surgical planning (VSP) for resection: Yes/No. Only virtual planning and simulation of resection (no 3D printing):Yes/No. 3D-printed biomodels: Yes/No

Geprüfte Regime

  • Surgical Resection and Reconstruction:
    One stage reconstruction: Osseous reconstruction is performed in the same surgery of the tumor/mandibular resection. It is also known as immediate or primary reconstruction. Second stage reconstruction: Osseous reconstruction is performed after the tumor/mandibular resection surgery as an independent surgery. After the mandibular resection a temporary alloplastic bridging might be put in place. It is also known as delayed or secondary reconstruction.


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