Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2024
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Wefra Programatic
Update on Cutaneous Oncology

6th European School of Dermato-Oncology (ESDO)

6th European School of Dermato-Oncology (ESDO)
© TTstudio /
  • 18. - 20. Januar 2018 / Berlin, Deutschland


The EADO initiates for the sixth time a course dedicated to fundamentals in skin cancer targeted to specialists and residents in the final phase of their resident program. They will benefit a comprehensive and updated course to improve their decision-making process for the management of all types and stages of skin cancer, from diagnosis, primary treatment and adjuvant treatment, to the management of loco-regional disease and distant metastatic disease. This 2,5-day educational course targets doctors who are actively involved in the treatment of skin cancer. Dermatologists or other specialists who have completed specialist training, or residents in the final year of their training program, are likely to gain the most from this course.

Wefra Programatic

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"6th European School of Dermato-Oncology (ESDO)"

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