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Augsburg Longitudinal Plasma Study for the Evaluation of Liquid Biopsy as Diagnostic Tool.



März 2021

Letztes Update:


Indikation (Clinical Trials):
Neoplasm Metastasis


Erwachsene (18+)


University Hospital Augsburg



Maximilian Schmutz, MD
Principal Investigator
UH Augsburg


Sommer Sebastian, MD
Phone: +49-821400
Phone (ext.): 161027
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University Hospital Augsburg
86156 Augsburg
GermanyRekrutierend» Google-Maps


Detailed Description:

ALPS is a prospective observational trial to assess liquid biopsy as diagnostic tool in

patients with various metastatic neoplasms. Liquid biopsy will be correlated not only with

the tissue biopsy, but also to imaging modalities and classical tumor markers. In addition,

the study aims to investigate clonal heterogeneity and evolution of different cancers during

patient treatment courses. A third aspect of the study is to survey and assess patients'

knowledge about biomarkers and personalized medicine in general and about liquid biopsy as a

new diagnostic tool.


Inclusion Criteria:

- Written informed consent

- Age ≥ 18 years

- Histopathologically confirmed metastatic or locally advanced cancer

- No curative treatment options, except for germ cell tumors

- Written Agreement to be followed up at Augsburg University Medical Center

- Signed written informed consent for the Biobank Augsburg (Biobank-A)

- Willing to undergo treatment according to standard of care

- Availability or anticipated availability of tumor tissue at time point of inclusion

- Anticipated life expectancy of at least 3 months at time point of trial inclusion

Exclusion Criteria:

- Psychological condition that would preclude informed consent

- Additional tumor treatment between acquisition of tumor tissue and trial inclusion


Primary outcome:

1. Correlation of tumor mutations between tissue biopsy (TBx) and liquid biopsy (LBx) at diagnosis (Time Frame - through study completion, an average of 3 years):
Correlation of tumor mutations between TBx and LBx at diagnosis with TBx as reference method based on PPA (positive percent agreement) and NPA (negative percent agreement)

2. Concordance between TBx and LBx at disease progression (Time Frame - from date of randomization until the date of first documented progression or date of death from any cause, whichever came first, assessed up to 100 months):
Concordance between TBx and LBx at disease progression with TBx as reference method based on PPA (positive percent agreement) and NPA (negative percent agreement)

Secondary outcome:

1. Investigation of tumor heterogeneity as a prognostic marker (Time Frame - through study completion, an average of 3 years):
Correlation of known and potential oncogenic drivers with imaging modalities based on morphological therapeutic response: ORR in classical entities and pools of tumor entities with ≥ 40 patient sample size

2. Correlation of known and potential oncogenic drivers in LBx with DCR (Time Frame - through study completion, an average of 3 years):
Correlation of known and potential oncogenic drivers with imaging modalities based on morphological therapeutic response: DCR in classical entities and pools of tumor entities with ≥ 40 patient sample size

3. Correlation of known and potential oncogenic drivers in LBx with OS (Time Frame - through study completion, an average of 3 years):
Correlation of presence of known and potential oncogenic drivers in LBx with OS per classical tumor entities and pools of tumor entities with ≥ 100 patient sample size

4. Role of a single numeric value (Shannon-Heterogeneity Index) at diagnosis as a surrogate marker for tumor heterogeneity (Time Frame - through study completion, an average of 3 years):
to evaluate the role of a single numeric value (Shannon-Heterogeneity Index) at diagnosis as a surrogate marker for tumor heterogeneity


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