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European Lung Cancer Conference (ELCC 2017)

European Lung Cancer Conference (ELCC 2017)
©JFL Photography /
  • 05. - 08. Mai 2017 / Palexpo Centre, Geneva, Switzerland


The conference is relevant for medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, thoracic surgeons, respiratory physicians, and other medical professionals involved in the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with lung cancer.

Lung cancer killed approximately 1,590,000 persons in 2012 and is currently the leading cause of cancer death worldwide (1). Tobacco use is a major risk factor for lung cancer and is responsible for approximately 22% of cancer-related deaths globally. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in males and the second leading cause in females globally. In 2012, lung cancer killed an estimated 1,098,700 men and 491,200 women worldwide, corresponding to 24% and 14% of all cancer deaths in males and females, respectively. In developed countries, it is now the leading cause of cancer death in females, surpassing breast cancer.

The European Lung Cancer Conference is a collaborative effort of the most important multidisciplinary societies representing thoracic oncology specialists, all working towards a shared goal: to advance science, disseminate education and improve the practice of lung cancer specialists worldwide.


ESMO-IASLC Best Abstracts
ELCC 2017 - Best abstracts session  
07.05.2017, 16:45 - 18:15, Room B

81O: Safety and efficacy analyses of atezolizumab in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with or without baseline brain metastases

82O: Durvalumab in ≥ 3rd-line EGFR mutant/ALK+, locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC: Results from the phase 2 ATLANTIC study

147O: Correlation of molecular status and anatomic sites of metastases (mets) at diagnosis (Dx) of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

Three late breaking studies will be announced at ELCC 2017:

LBA1: Establishment of a diagnostic algorithm for ROS1 testing in Canada

LBA2_PR: Use of G-CSF and prophylactic antibiotics with concurrent chemo-radiotherapy in limited-stage small cell lung cancer: results from the phase III CONVERT trial

LBA3: Correlation between clinical outcomes of patients treated within the TAILOR trial and Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) results: analysis of genes associated to KRAS mutations

Wefra Programatic

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